The Novel Market is an online bookseller of little-known, self-published fantasy books. Explore the genres and check out the store to find the fantasies you’ve never found before.

Recent Book Reviews:
- Shadow’s Law, by Utkarsh Sharma
- The Hidden King, by E.G. Radcliff
- Winter’s Wolf, by Tara Lain
- The Death Mark, by Buster Shadwick Jr.
- Taghri’s Prize, by Peter Grant
bookclub Epic Fantasy Horror Fantasy Negative Critique Neutral Critique Paranormal Fantasy Paranormal Romance Positive Critique
Book Club
Join the book club to discuss a new book each month. You can participate in discussion on the forums on this site, or join our Facebook group.
Are you a self-published or independent author? Want your book listed on The Novel Market?
- Please check the store FIRST before PMing. Thanks!
- Doesn’t meet the requirements below? Then please don’t PM me. It won’t be added and it wastes both my time and yours.
- I am one person, and may or may not be able to sift through PMs in a timely fashion, depending on how many people flood my inboxes. Best of luck to everyone!
- Books we DO NOT feature on The Novel Market: Public domain books, republished classics, republished versions of older books (Even your own books. These are still “Rediscoverables”, even if you publish them again to show a more recent pub date, and I will only list them under their original publication date. I DO check for this.)
- I also check for quality on books if the title/description/etc. gives me reason to be suspect. Make sure your descriptions are informative and typo free. I ultimately have final say on all books listed and may choose not to list a book for any reason.
- GENRE: Is it #FANTASY? We feature #F (not just #fiction) subgenres. List your book as one of these genres to ensure it shows up in my searches: #contemporaryfantasy #darkfantasy #epicfantasy #horrorfantasy #magicrealism #paranormalfantasy #urbanfantasy
- EXTENDED DISTRIBUTION: Is it available for extended distribution (specifically via Ingram/iPage)? If not, it’s not available for us to sell. Make it available through extended distribution and PM to let me know.
- REDISCOVERABLES: Was it first published before Aug ’19? Then it’s a “rediscoverable.” PM on Twitter @TheNovelMarket if it’s not listed.
- CURRENT MONTH BOOKS: Was it published in the current month? Then please wait until the 1st week of next month. At the beginning of each month, I add books to the store from the previous month, so please be patient!